The Real Me
portraits with personality


Every Fall, I look forward to the day that my kids bring home their school picture order. And every year, I smile when I see the prints: typically a cheesy, forced grin (or, in the case of kindergarten for my oldest, an I'd-rather-be-doing-ANYTHING-else blank stare). And I love them and I'm grateful for them... and then I file them away and don't look at them again until I'm digging through their file for something else.


Confession time: I've never displayed my kids' school photos on a wall.



As an early Mother's Day present for myself this year, I took some simple, black backdrop, classic shots of my kids... and I cannot wait to have the printed and hang them up!


I know I'm not the only parent who's excited to frame and hang photos that capture their child's personality:

their authentic smile, how their eyebrows raise when they laugh, and how you can see their dimples or freckles as their expressions shift. Those still-full toddler cheeks and long lashes, or the last of their baby curls. The cute little baby teeth; how their smile changes when they're missing teeth; or how much older they appear with braces. Whether they're still allowing you to add pigtails and bows to their hair or particular about every item of clothing they wear.


These are the right now moments and memories a timeless The Real Me session will capture.

These aren't your typical school pictures; these are wall-worthy portraits with personality for kids of all ages.


And the best part: they'll have FUN, be themselves, and they're done in 5 minutes!

The Real Me sessions are offered on select dates only.

These sessions are scheduled back-to-back in my garage studio.



5 minutes

10+ full-of-personality images


$299 (2) | $349 (3) | $399 (4)

5 minutes for each child

5 minutes for siblings together

10+ full-of-personality images of each individual child

5+ images of siblings together


all images provided in both color and black & white

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